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Archivi 2009

02.04.09Passeport WVBC 2009VTT XC  
19.04.09Buttenberg Bike Race 2009Pieterlen (BE)VTT XC 
26.04.09 VTT Planeyse 2009Colombier (NE)VTT XC 
17.05.09 Roc du Littoral 2009Hauterive (NE)VTT XC 
31.05.09Arnon Bike 2009Bonvillars (VD)VTT XC
13.06.0924 heures VTT de la Birse 2009Reconvilier (BE/JB)VTT XC 
20.06.09 P'tit Raid 2009Moutier (BE/JB)VTT XC 
21.06.09La Classique Genevoise 2009Satigny (GE)Route 
27.06.09Championnat du monde de VTT des Sapeurs-PompiersSainte-Croix / Les Rasses (VD)VTT XC 
28.06.09Coupe du Chasseron 2009Les Rasses (VD)VTT XC 
12.07.09GARMIN Bike Marathon 2009Tramelan (BE/JB)VTT Marathon 
25.07.09 Les Tchérattes VTT 2009Epauvillers (JU)VTT XC 
25.07.09 Les Tchérattes "Course pédestre" 2009Epauvillers (JU)Course pédestre 
15.08.09La Combassonne 2009Les Cernets-VerrièresCourse pédestre 
16.08.09National Bike Race 2009Perrefitte (BE/JB)VTT XC 
29.08.09Triathlon La Chaux-de-Fonds 2009La Chaux-de-Fonds (NE)Triathlon
06.09.09 Le Raid des 3 Vallons 2009Vallorbe (VD)VTT XC 
13.09.09 Eole'bike 2009Tramelan (BE/JB)VTT XC 
26.09.09SION "OPTIC 2000 VARONE STEPHANY" 2009Sion (VS)VTT Street 
05.12.09Moutier Bike Indoor 2009Moutier (BE/JB)VTT Indoor 
05.12.09Remise des prix de la Watch Valley Bike Cup 2009Moutier (BE/JB)    
31.12.09Classements FINAL WVBC 2009   



Dear organizers

Do you know how your athletes feel before, during and after their race?
Have you ever supported your partner, your children or your friends in preparing for a competition?
Have you been there during training, registered the athlete yourself, accompanied him/her from the camper to the start, supported him/her on the course and celebrated together at the finish line?

Are you looking for a company that has sport in its DNA? That knows what it means to organize a running event, a MTB competition or a ski race in high alpine terrain? That lives and passes on the excitement, sensations, and emotions?

We’ve got your back !

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