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Pastec 1.9 km - 1 tour

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30 athletes

Pastec 1.9 km - 1 tour (30 athletes, 15 teams)

Pos.Nom de l'équipe / TeamCatégorieTemps totalEcartDPL
11707N/APastec 1.9 km - 1 tour00:08:28.33-
Narr Olivia, SUI, 2007 / Narr Daniel, SUI, 1973 / Narr Alexandra, 2005 / , / , / , / , / , / , / , / ,
21717MathisPastec 1.9 km - 1 tour00:09:50.731:22.40
Rawyler Mathis, SUI, 2010 / , / , / , / , / , / , / , / , / , / ,
31710Les Traîne-GourdinsPastec 1.9 km - 1 tour00:10:11.681:43.35
Rossi Luca, SUI, 2007 / , / , / , / , / , / , / , / , / , / ,
41701N/APastec 1.9 km - 1 tour00:11:55.173:26.84
Torekov Elliot, SUI, 2007 / Nicolet Joey, 2007 / Nicolet Tom, 2010 / , / , / , / , / , / , / , / ,
51714N/APastec 1.9 km - 1 tour00:19:18.5010:50.17
Steffen Robin, 2010 / Steffen Florian, 1975 / , / , / , / , / , / , / , / , / ,
61709N/APastec 1.9 km - 1 tour00:20:56.3912:28.06
Leresche Samuel, SUI, 2000 / Leresche Frédéric, SUI, 1968 / Leresche Benjamin, SUI, 2002 / Leresche Lucile, SUI, 2005 / , / , / , / , / , / , / ,
71703N/APastec 1.9 km - 1 tour00:20:56.4312:28.10
Thétaz Enzo, SUI, 2006 / thetaz norianne, SUI, 1990 / , / , / , / , / , / , / , / , / ,
81704N/APastec 1.9 km - 1 tour00:21:37.7713:09.44
Herbelin Marie, 2005 / Herbelin Kiliane, 1971 / Herbelin Kiliane, 1971 / Herbelin Gabrielle, 1942 / , / , / , / , / , / , / ,
91702NunoPastec 1.9 km - 1 tour00:22:44.5614:16.23
Correia Raphaël, SUI, 2007 / Da Costa Teixera Cristina, 1974 / Da Costa Texeira Nuno Antonio, 1980 / Correia Texeira Hugo, 2005 / Leite Jorge, 1980 / Ferreira Liana, 1980 / Ferreira Leite Diego, 1980 / Ferreira Leite Leandro, 1980 / , / , / ,
101705Vurlod's FamilyPastec 1.9 km - 1 tour00:26:52.3618:24.03
Vurlod Kelly, SUI, 2008 / Vurlod Cindy, SUI, 2005 / Vurlod Christel, SUI, 1971 / Vurlod Jean-Claude, SUI, 1968 / , / , / , / , / , / , / ,
111711N/APastec 1.9 km - 1 tourDNS-
Xhemajlaj Aaron, SUI, 2003 / , / , / , / , / , / , / , / , / , / ,
121712conan garridoPastec 1.9 km - 1 tourDNS-
garrido torres lourdes, SUI, 1980 / , / , / , / , / , / , / , / , / , / ,
131713LennyPastec 1.9 km - 1 tourDNS-
von Büren Lenny, SUI, 2012 / von Büren Sébastien, SUI, 1983 / , / , / , / , / , / , / , / , / ,
141708N/APastec 1.9 km - 1 tourDNS-
Vollmer Pierre, SUI, 2006 / , / , / , / , / , / , / , / , / , / ,
151706N/APastec 1.9 km - 1 tourDNS-
Schmidt Elaura, SUI, 2007 / , / , / , / , / , / , / , / , / , / ,


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